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Vnnox License


I am trying to set up Vnnox with Viplexx Express and the Taurus TB3 for the first time. I am trying to bind them. Right now my issue is that in vnnox when I am trying to add a new player, the license dropdown doesn’t let me type or select anything. It only shows “no associated license.” I would assume I need to purchase a license, but when I try to buy it on the website, it just has me enter contact info, valid period, etc. before I can submit the order. Is there a price for this or anything that I will be charged? I also can’t find where I would enter that license once I get it besides the mentioned window above, but as of now it doesn’t allow me to type anything. Unless it automatically fills in once I have purchased the license.


Any help or other advice setting this up for the first time would be helpful. Thanks!

Topic starter 已发布 : 09/03/2021 5:18 上午