Dictionary of
NCE Certificates


Certificate No.

There are 3 types of NovaStar NCE certificates, including:

• Professional

• Specialist

• Expert

Each certificate requires passing a corresponding two-part examination, including theory and practice.

Certificate of

Trainees passing the theory examination will receive a T stamp.
Passing the practice examination will earn trainees a P stamp.

Those receiving both T+P stamps within the valid period (2 years)
will obtain a full NCE Professional Certificate.

Trainees who participate in NCE online training and pass the examination will be issued a Professional NCE Certificate with T (theory) stamp only. They are then qualified to take the offline practical examination at a later date to receive the P (practice) stamp, and obtain a full NCE Professional Certificate.

Certificate of
Specialist and Expert

Specialist and Expert NCE Certificates can only be obtained
through offline training and examination. Like the Professional
certificate, both Theory and Practical exams must be passed to
obtain a full NCE certification.

A Professional NCE Certificate is required for participation in the
Specialist course.

A Specialist NCE Certificate is required for participation in the
Expert course.

All certificates are valid for a period of two years, at which time
update testing is required to renew the certificate.

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