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SmartLCT v3.5.0 Win VIRUS


The latest update has a hidden virus. How do you explain this? Win32/Ramnit.A

Topic starter 已发布 : 10/07/2019 5:56 下午
会员 Administrator

Our SmartLCT v3.5.0 can not been installed in Win32,it can only be installed in Win64.

已发布 : 10/07/2019 6:04 下午

Win32 is not a Microsoft version, This is the name of the virus

Topic starter 已发布 : 11/07/2019 3:38 上午
会员 Administrator

Sorry,this situation has never happened before.

Please check your computer or your network.Maybe there is something wrong.

已发布 : 11/07/2019 9:01 上午
会员 Administrator

Hi,could you please tell me what browser do you use?

Second, can I know how does the virus be discovered? By the browser, or by anti-virus software?

已发布 : 11/07/2019 2:56 下午

It happens on two browsers, Opera and Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Defender, and the same happens with Kaspersky Antivirus. Already when downloading, there is information when writing a file to the disk that the zip file is a virus. And this is a very dangerous virus.
Probably the person who puts the file on the server has a virus-infected computer.

Topic starter 已发布 : 11/07/2019 6:01 下午
会员 Administrator

OK,I’ve written it down and tell our DP group. 

I’ll reply you as soon as possible.

已发布 : 11/07/2019 6:12 下午

Windows Defender, as you have enabled all options, already scans when downloading the file, be it Opera or other browser. And it does not allow you to save the file to disk. And if you turn off Windows Defender, you save, but when you turn on Windows Defender, you immediately have the information that the file is a virus. And you can do nothing about it

Topic starter 已发布 : 11/07/2019 6:13 下午
会员 Administrator

OK,got it!

Please wait my reply!

已发布 : 11/07/2019 6:22 下午
会员 Administrator

Hi,so sorry to reply late.The problem has been sovled.

Please download SmartLCT V3.5.1 in our website.Hope it can help you.

If you have any questions,feel free to let me know.

已发布 : 29/07/2019 11:09 上午