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SmartLCT corlor temperature rgb



I have a question in smartlct 3.4.2 i have acces to rgb values in color tab in current version smartlct (3.5.1) there is only color temperature slider without any value.

Is possible to access to rgb values in new smart and how to set same color temperature to another ledscreen if the value is not displayed? 

Topic starter 已发布 : 28/07/2019 12:23 上午
会员 Administrator

Yes. The color temperature slider cannot fill in the value. You should use the mouse to drag the slider to select.

已发布 : 29/07/2019 10:24 上午

Yes i know that, but how can i get to now what value i set. In 3.4.2 was slider and on the right side was displayed color temperature value.
And is there possibility to access R,G,B settings ?

Topic starter 已发布 : 01/08/2019 11:24 下午
会员 Administrator

Sorry, the color temperature slider cannot fill in the value.

You can use a colorimeter to test the value.

已发布 : 02/08/2019 10:17 上午



ok, I can use a colorimeter, but …

For example, I have 3 LED screens left p5, middle p3 and right p5 and set the color temperature, and the middle screen p3 is greener than the left and right in 3.4.2 and I was able change the green value to correct that but in 3.5 I can not. You can fool the eye, but not the camera 🙂

Topic starter 已发布 : 02/08/2019 6:31 下午