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Saved receiver card config files don't work


We are testing some single receiver card cabinets (336 receiver card) using an MSD300 sending card. Using NovaLCT V5.3 we can read and save the receiver card configuration. 

If we then load in that file and send it to the receiver card, it then displays incorrectly.

I have also noticed that V5.3 shows the type of receiver card connected on the Receiver Card Settings page, this is showing incorrectly as a 330Q_x rather than a 336

We have one cabinet now that has had the settings saved (and are now wrong) and despite having several other working identical cabinets, we cannot copy the settings and make it work

Topic starter 已发布 : 27/02/2020 10:35 下午
会员 Administrator

Thanks for contacting us.

Please take pictures of the interface of the receiving card, the good cabinet and the bad cabinet.

Which LCT version was used before?

已发布 : 01/03/2020 12:29 下午