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Configuration Resolutions


We have some mobile screens using LED tiles at 936×520 pixels, and for now we have just used the scale button on the VX4S. However, we get the jumping flickering screen.

I have tried to go into the screen configuration tab in Nova LCT to change the resolutions, but have had no luck. No matter what I change the Source Configuration Resolution to, I always get an error message saying “Current input source doesn’t support resolution settings!”

Any help figuring out why I am getting this message would be great. Also any clarification on exactly what the three resolutions would be helpful- Sending Card resolution, Graphics Output Resolution, and Source Configuration Resolution.

Topic starter 已发布 : 15/01/2020 3:37 上午
会员 Administrator
Thanks for contacting us!
Please try to get into the  advanced Settings,and do the factory reset.


已发布 : 15/01/2020 4:21 下午


Thanks, we will try that. However, we have two mobile screens with these same tiles and processors, and get the same result with both. Could you help me understand what each of the three different resolutions in LCT is exactly? I have tried changing the Source Configuration Resolution in LCT, but maybe there is something else I am missing when setting up the screens?

Topic starter 已发布 : 17/01/2020 6:55 上午
会员 Administrator


Hi, so you mean you want to know the relationship between the sending card resolution and the graphics card resolution?

已发布 : 17/01/2020 9:53 上午


Yes, please. The relationship between them and what exactly they refer to so I can have a better understanding. Thanks

Topic starter 已发布 : 18/01/2020 1:18 上午
会员 Administrator


When the graphics card resolution is greater than sending card resolution,the screen can only show part of your video souce.

When the graphics card resolution is less than sending card resolution,the screen can show all your video souce,but the screen will have some black part.

When the graphics card resolution is the same as sending card resolution,the screen can show all your video souce point to point.

已发布 : 19/01/2020 10:45 上午