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vx6s Cascade for 153 Cabinets


I’m needing to Cascade controllers for my first time. Using 153 – 128×128 cabinets, 17 over 9 and controling them with 2 vx6s.  I am being fed an SDI signal.

1)  Can I use the SID into the first VX6s and then take the DVI loop out to the second one?

2) I have seen tutorials using the DVI in Loop and then controlling the vx6s in Mosaic mode, do you have a tutorial for this. I have never done this.

3) I have also seen instructions in this blog about utilizing the USB Cascade in and out on the front of the VX6s, does this also send the video signal as well or only the control and mapping?

Appreciate your help!!

I’m in the Dallas, Texas, USA area.

Thank you!



Topic starter 已发布 : 03/02/2020 9:31 上午
会员 Administrator

Hi, the answers as below:

1) You cannot use SDI in and DVI loop out.  only same video source.

2) pls check the tutorials about mosaic on this link:

3)USD cascade only for the control.

Hope it’s helpful to you.

已发布 : 03/02/2020 9:45 上午