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Hello , in case im using total 48 cabinets of 128×128 pixels each 8 row x 6 column , total resolution 1024×768 , total pixels 786,432.

as far as i understand the sending card port able to transmit max 650,000 pixels .

in case i like to set the screen with abve mentioned figuration , am i allowed to use port number 1 to connect 39 cabinets with total of  638.976 pixels , then using port number 2 for remaining cabinets total 9 cabinets with total pixels of 147,456 pixels ? or it must contain same amount of pixels at each port /

Topic starter 已发布 : 09/07/2019 4:32 下午
会员 Administrator

I’m sorry not! why not use the port to average the entire screen?

已发布 : 10/07/2019 1:48 下午