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Looking to setup a STADIUM SPORTS BANNER


Good evening,, 

Any help or advice is appreciated , 
So i have been tasked with creating basically a long banner type screen. similar to a football pitch.

the hardware i have to use 
are very similar ,, if not the same as these

basically i am looking for some kind of formula to work out how many torus 8 or what other equivalent i would need  X amount of cabs 1 high but  if possible to use multiple  -MCTRL300

Also trying to source a Torus 8 but aware may need more hardware

I will know more tomorrow , so i will update the post with more info.

the potential cab sizes are as the ones shown n the videos above – setup as sports banners ,  320×160 modules totalling 192 x 192 pixels as far as i can see, 

and then a smaller one half the size, again i will post the config file on here. 

Topic starter 已发布 : 27/05/2021 5:37 上午


For long-adjustment screens, you first need to confirm the overall resolution of the screen, and then you can select the sending card, synchronous or asynchronous, depending on your needs. Then you need a discount solution when connecting the screen


And if you have other question , you also can contact


已发布 : 01/06/2021 3:37 下午