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configuration 4G module in TB2


hello i have a big problem . I bought a SIM card M2M to connect a led screen in a village. I have a taurus TB2 with module 4G. I have configurate all and it s ok but the problem is that the cloud button is off so I don’t have the signal 4G to use my screen. I don t understand when I put the RJ45 cable the cloud button is on… is someone has made this or not ? is someone can help me ? I would like to change the network because actually it s Luxembourg network because the card come from Luxembourg but I would like a network from my place in the south of France. And when I put the same SIM card in my phone it find the good network….so I don t understand …. please help me ! 😥 thanks 


Topic starter 已发布 : 10/12/2021 4:24 上午